Are you ready to begin your career as a birth or postpartum Doula or expand your Doula knowledge and skills?

I have classes, workshops, retreats, and membership geared to exactly where you are and what you need.

Are you ready to begin your career as a birth or postpartum Doula or expand your Doula knowledge and skills?

I have classes, workshops, retreats, and membership geared to exactly where you are and what you need.

Debra Pascali-Bonaro is a highly trained, experienced and sought-after DONA Birth and Postpartum Doula Trainer with over 30 years of experience training tens of thousands of Doulas, Doctors, Midwives, Nurses, Educators, Parents and Practitioners in the field of childbirth. She is also the Director of Orgasmic Birth: The Best-Kept Secret and Author of “The Ultimate Guide to Sex After Baby”.​

© Jada Shapiro

Debra has global knowledge and experience from learning and teaching in over 40 countries around the world!

Throughout the year she teaches both in-person and online workshops and retreats.
Are you ready to become a doula? Find out how

    There are a million things to learn and if you’re passionate about birth, I can’t imagine a world in which you wouldn’t love this workshop.”


    “You have to be in this woman’s presence – she is a powerhouse and a master to learn from”

    I never expected to feel so closely connected to everyone else in the training. It felt not only as if I was falling in love with the content of the training, but that I was also falling in love with every single other person who had chosen to make the commitment to this work.”


    You have to be in this woman’s presence – she is a powerhouse and a master to learn from!”


    Are you ready to begin your doula practice or learn how to support your partner, friend, or family at their birth?

    Are you a nurse who would like to enhance your comfort skills or are you a community doula looking to expand your skills?

    If you said yes to any of these, our doula workshops are for you!

    We bring together people from all backgrounds and experiences to discuss the challenges and learn how to support the love and pleasure that are available in safe, respectful and gentle birth in any setting.

    VIRTUAL DONA Birth Doula Training

    • -Welcome Session and Anti-racism Birth Equity | October 11, 2022, 5:00 – 7:00 PM
    • -Introduction to Childbirth Part I | October 18, 2022, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
    • -Introduction to Childbirth Part II & DONA Birth Doula Part I | October 19, 2022, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
    • -DONA Birth Doula Part II | October 25, 2022, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
    • -DONA Birth Doula Part III |  October 26, 2022, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
    • -DONA Certification and Birth Biz Q & A | November 15, 2022, 5:00 – 6:30 PM

    Our world is changing.

    As a birth practitioner, you see this every day.

    We are experiencing a global shift away from the over-medicalization of birth.

    And with that shift, the demand for highly-trained natural birth practitioners is growing rapidly.

    Women are no longer accepting birth as a “condition that must be treated”.

    They seek a more gentle, natural — and yes, orgasmic! — experience.

    And that’s why we’ve created the
    Orgasmic Birth Practitioner Training Program!

    The film that started the pleasurable birth movement...

    Orgasmic Birth: The Best-Kept Secret

    “Orgasmic Birth is to give birth with and in love, to move through labor with power, and to honor the emotional and physical heights that labor holds. I believe it is every woman’s human right to have a pleasurable birth. I won’t stop until we heal our broken maternity care system, and the good news is that we are starting to make and see changes!”


    Bali Retreats taught with Ibu Robin Lim and special guest teachers.

    Virtual Conference

    Orgasmic Birth Virtual Conference with over 20 leading experts in the birth world.

    Childbirth Education

    Earn continuing education units and receive a comprehensive childbirth education.

    Sex After Baby

    Based on the acclaimed book, join Debra’s virtual training to explore your sexuality.

    “As usual, Debra Pascali-Bonaro brings her whole heart to the leading edge of truth and beauty and shares her brilliant and love-filled message with the world.” –Carrie Contey, PhD

    “Debra opens the dialogue for deeper understanding of sexuality, she brings stories that help us connect to our own personal needs. She gives you tools to dance into parenthood and access powerful sexuality in all phases of your life.”
    –Jennifer Walker Spinning Babies® Approved Trainer

    “Debra calls on us to release the silence and shame around sex and passion so that we can live our most vibrant, pleasurable lives…and isn’t that exactly what we want to model for our children in the end?”
    – Molly Rouse, MAA/PCD Fairy Godmother at Life Beyond Birth, Anthropologist, Postpartum Doula, New Parent Guide, 4th Trimester Chef, Mother

    “Debra’s life work is to reframe today’s widespread belief that birth is frightening, dangerous and painful. In everything she says and does, Debra models the joy, pleasure and empowerment that is available in birth. Let her show you how to prepare yourselves for the rewards of giving birth.”
    – Penny Simkin, PT 

    Debra Pascali-Bonaro, B.Ed., LCCE, PDT/BDT(DONA)

    Debra Pascali-Bonaro is a world-renowned inspirational speaker, filmmaker, doula trainer, childbirth educator, and author.  Debra’s latest book, an Amazon #1 New Release, The Ultimate Guide to Sex After Baby: Secrets to Love and Intimacy brings together her passion for pleasure in every aspect of life with her Jersey-Girl attitude of talking about what no one is talking about!  Debra is a mother, grandmother and featured expert in parenting journals and media around the world. 

    Debra Pascali-Bonaro is also Co-Chair of the International Childbirth Initiative and Chair of the International MotherBaby Childbirth Initiative both of which promote safe, respectful childbirth maternity care. She is a Lamaze International childbirth educator, birth and postpartum doula trainer with DONA International, Director of the award-winning documentary Orgasmic Birth: The Best-Kept Secret, co-writer of “Orgasmic Birth: Your Guide to a Safe, Satisfying and Pleasurable Birth”  and the Founder & President of the revolutionary online childbirth class, Pleasurable Birth Essentials, which prepares expectant mothers, fathers, partners and all birthing people to be positively prepared for birth and focuses on the intimate and sacred nature of birth. Debra’s passion comes from her over 30 years of working with parents, midwives, doulas, physicians and nurses in over 40 countries bringing comfort, love, and pleasure to birth and life!

    Debra Pascali Bonaro has been featured on ABC’s 20/20, Good Morning Russia, The NBC Today Show, Discovery Health, in The New York Times, The LA Times, The UK Times as well as numerous Parenting and Health Magazines around the world.

    © Maegan Dougherty

    “Yes! Yes! YESSS!!! By boldly talking about what “no one else is talking about” , Debra Pascali-Bonaro is offering new moms precisely the support they need to nurture their bodies to fuel their family and mothering with joy and VIBRANCE! Healing our culture gaps between birth, parenting, sexuality and sensuality is precisely the power move required to alchemize the often heavy responsibility of parenthood into a loving and ECSTATIC experience!” 
    – Sheila Kamara Hay, Ecstatic Birth

    “Debra Pascali-Bonaro has given us not just a map. She has given us an Atlas, and it’s informative, eye-opening, wide-ranging, practical, and passionate. Drawing on her vast experience as a doula trainer, childbirth educator, co-founder of Eat, Pray, Doula, producer of the film Orgasmic Birth, and global advocate for justice in birth, her continuing mission is to bring comfort and pleasure to birth and to life.”
    – Sally Placksin, author of Mothering the New Mother

    “As a pioneer doula, Debra shares a rare wealth of experience and passion that is absolutely inspirational. Her teaching style is that of a true doula, generous, strong, and humble. I feel I learned just as much from what she said and did as I learned from her way of being.”
    – Holly Satvika, Workshop Participant

    Do you have what it takes to become a doula? Find out